Environmental Layers, Maps, & Documents

Major Rivers (shp)

Major rivers in Guyana
Source: Open Street Map

Guyana's Rivers with Names (jpg)

Source:Map of British Guiana, 1958. Department of Land and Mines, Georgetown

Surface Water Resources
Map showing surface water resources in Guyana.
Source: US Army Corp of Engineers. See also Water Resource Assessment of Guyana
Major Watersheds


Global Watersheds Tool

Use this tool to delineate watersheds for any river or stream anywhere in Guyana. Simply click on a pour point and the watershed will be be delineated. Also, remember to click on 'Watershed Data Report' to generate a report of the watershed. To get a shapefile of the watershed, you can make a screenshot of the watershed, georeference it, and then digitize watershed

Source: https://mghydro.com/watersheds/
Guyana Coastline

Coastline of Guyana (shp)

Source: Digitized from ESRI base map.

Bedrock Geology of Guyana, 1:1000,000 (pdf)

Source Guyana Geology and Mines Commission

Mineral Occurrence, Guyana, 1:1000,000 (pdf)

Guyana Geology and Mines Commission

Location of Mines in Guyana (Interactive Map)

Source: Diggings.Com

Mineral Property Map, Guyana (Interactive Map)


Guyana's Exclusive Economic Zone Guyana's Exclusive Economic Zone (200NM).

Source: Flanders Marine Institute.

Guyana EEZ Guyana's Exclusive Economic Zone (200NM) (shp)

Source: Digitized by GuyNode from shapefile available at Flanders Marine Institute. Precision not guaranteed.

Petroleum Blocks Petroleum Blocks, Guyana (shp)

Interactive map and shapefile of petroleum blocks within Guyana's maritime exclusive economic zone and coastal regions.
Source: Interactive map and shapefile created by GuyNode using data from Oil Now and public domain maps.

Proven Oil Wells Exxon and Tullow's Oil Wells, Guyana (shp)

Interactive map and shapefile of proven oil wells discovered since 2015 by ExxonMobil.
Source: Digitized by GuyNode from maps obtained from ExxonMobil and other public domain maps.

Proven Oil Wells
Cross Section of Selected Petroleum Blocks.

Cross Section of the Orinduik Petroleum Block and Parts of the Kanuku and Stabroek Blocks. Source: Guyana Chronicle

Oil Exploration Blocks Petroleum Blocks, Guyana and Surinam (jpg)

The map shows petroleum blocks and leaseholders of block licenses within Guyana and Surinam's maritime exclusive economic zone and coastal region.
Source: Static.Seekingalpha.com.

Overview of Exxon operations in Guyana
Oil and Gas Statistics Daily Oil and Gas Production Statistics, Guyana

Various Soil Maps of Guyana. Source: European Digital Archive of Soil Maps (EuDASM)

Sea Defense
Mangrove areas along Guyana's coast (png)

Source: Presentation. Coastal Zone Management - Mangrove Restoration Project /MPI, Rudolph Adams, The National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (NAREI). See page 13 for map.

Sea Defense Districts
Guyana sea defenses extend for 360 km and consist of natural and human structures. The area is subdivided into several districts for management purposes.
Source: Final report. Coastal erosion along the coast of Guiana. Europe Aid Technical Assistance for Capacity Building and Institutional Strengthening of the Sea Defenses. January, 2011.
Coastline Modeling

GIS-based Analysis and Modelling with Empirical and Remotely-Sensed Data on Coastline Advance and Retreat.
Source: PhD Dissertation, Sajid Ahmad, University of Windsor, 2011.

Guyana Coastal Database

This is a local and web-based database of open geospatial data and analytical tools to support operational planning in areas such as coastal/marine disaster risk preparation and management, coastal conservation, and climate change planning .
Source: https://www.gcdb.gy

Drainage and Irrigation

Kokers and pumping stations, Georgetown (shp)

Source: 'Analysis of Drainage Systems in Georgetown, Guyana, Delft University of Technology, November, 2016.' See pg 48 for map.Additional data source included Google Earth and Bing Maps.

Kokers, Region 4 (shp), Incomplete

Source: Various public domain documents including 'Analysis of Drainage Systems in Georgetown', 'Managing Flood Risk in Guyana', ESRI imagery, Google Maps, and Bing Maps.

Boeraserie and East Demerara Water Conservancies (shp)

Source: Government of GuyanaTask Force for Infrastructure Recovery, Final Report of the Special Advisor, July 2005, pp 23-24.

Canals in the East Demerara Conservancy (shp)

Map digitized by GuyNode.com

Source: 'Government of Guyana Task Force for Infrastructure Recovery. Final Report of Special Adviser'. Downloaded July 2020 from this site. See pg 23 for map. Other source material included Google Earth, Open Street Map, and Bing Maps.

East Demerara Conservancy Canals and Kokers (png)

Source: 'Managing Flood Risk in Guyana. The Conservancy Adaptation Project 2008 - 2013. World Bank, Ministry of Agriculture, Guyana'. Downloaded August 2019 from this site. See page 23 for map. Other source material included Google Earth, Open Street Map, and Bing Maps.

Flood Extent, 2005, East Demerara Conservancy (jpg)

Source: 'Managing Flood Risk in Guyana. The Conservancy Adaptation Project 2008 - 2013. World Bank, Ministry of Agriculture, Guyana'. Downloaded August 2019 from this site. See page 9 for map. Other source material included Google Earth, Open Street Map, and Bing Maps.

Guyana’s Billion-Dollar National Disaster: The May-June 2021 Floods

Source: Trinidad and Tobago Weather Center

Document. Guyana Floods, 2005, (pdf).

Geotechnical and hydraulic assessment of the East Coast Demerara Water Conservancy Dam.

Guyana Coastal Flood Protection Program

Guyana Coastal Flood Protection Program. Inter-American Development Bank. Rehabilitation of the East Demerara and Boerasirie Water Conservancies. Assessment and Plan or Work. Victor M. Ponce, Consultant. 25th July, 2006.

Boundary shapefile of theTapakuma Irrigation Scheme (shp)

Digitizing and web map creation by GuyNode

Source: 'Report and Recomendation of the President to the Executive Directors on a Proposed Loan to Guyana for Tapakuma Irrigation Project (English), June 1974'. Downloaded August 2019 from this site. See pg 27 for map.

Boundary, Boeraserise Water Conservancy

Digitizing and web map creation by GuyNode

Source: 'Government of Guyana Task Force for Infrastructure Recovery. Final Report of Special Adviser'. Downloaded July 2020 from this site. See pg 28 for map.

Mahaica-Mahaicony Irrigation Scheme (shp)
Black Bush Polder Irrigation Scheme (shp)

Digitizing and web map creation by GuyNode

Source: 'Staff Appraisal Report. The Black Bush Irrigation Project Guyana, May 1978, World Bank'. Downloaded August 2019 from this site. See pg 89 for map.

Major Water Control Initiatives (shp)

Source: Map created by integrating maps of individual water control schemes.

Additional insights obtained from the following paper: Water Control in Guyana, A. J. Strachan, Geography, Vol. 65, No. 4, 1980, pp. 297-304


Physiographic Regions (shapefile)


Physiographic Regions (pdf)


Guyana Forestry Commission Forest Allocation Map
Interactive map showing forest allocations
Source: Guyana Forestry Commission
Interactive map of global wetlands
Source: Global Wetlands Interactive Map.
Protected Areas (shp)


Land Use (Region 6) View


National Land Cover, Interactive Map, Guyana
Source: ArcGIS Online
Global Forest Watch, Interactive Map
Document, National Land Use Plan, 2013 (pdf)
Landuse, Region 3
ESRI interactive Web Map.
Agricultural Patterns

Sugar Estates in Guyana, 1949


Guysuco Sugar Estates, 2009
Rice Producing Areas, Guyana


The Impacts of Climate Change on Rice Production and Small Farmers’ Adaptation: A Case of Guyana. PhD Thesis


Temperature and Rainfall

Average Monthly Temp and Rainfall, 1901-2016 (csv)

Source: World Bank

Climographs for Guyana's main climate types: Tropical rainforest climate (Af); Tropical monsoon climate (Am); and Tropical savanna climate ((Aw).

Source: climate-data.org

Solar Resource maps of Guyana

Source: World Bank

Disease Patterns

Zika cases by regions, 2015-2016 (png)
Source: PAHO
Malaria Patterns, Guyana (png)


Source: Fit for Travel

Malaria Risk Areas, Guyana (pdf)


Source: PAHO

Covid 19 Dashboard by Regions

GuyNode's Covid-19 Dashboard, Guyana

Get a big picture view of the Covid-19 situation in Guyana from GuyNode's dashboard.
Data Source: World-O-Meter; Health.gov.gy; Our World in Data, Covid-19
Covid 19 Dashboard by Regions

Microsoft Covid-19 Tracker, Guyana

Bing's Covid19 Dashboard. Tracks Covid-19 spread on a daily basis.
Covid 19 Cases by Regions

Distribution of Covid-19 Cases, Guyana, May, 2020

Cumulative Covid-19 Cases by Regional Democratic Councils as of May 7th, 2020. Region 4 and Region 10 were the regional hot spots.
Source: Map created by GuyNode using data from Health.gov.gy

Climate Change Predictions

Sea Level Rise (Interactive Map).


Surging Seas Risk Zone Map
Global Temperature and Precipitation Predictions
Global Drought Forecast Tool
Climate change impacts on water resources in Guyana (document) View


The challenge of climate change adaptation in Guyana (pdf document)

Disaster Management
Estimation of the economic value of exposed assets

Source: Standford Library

GeoSpatial News